Door Closers And Checks


Texas Lock & Door Closers is the local reliable supplier of commercial door closers. Heavy-duty commercial closers are available to general contractors or supply warehouses, who wish to purchase wholesale.

Commercial Construction with Door Closer Installations

Talk to us about the style of the door hardware in San Antonio, TX that you’re seeking, so you can choose the controller of the door. Strategic placement of the door closers will be key in achieving the right motion for the door’s movement during the opening and closing of a door.

Old Door Closer ─ San Antonio, TX ─ Texas Lock & Door Closer, Inc.
Door Closer ─ San Antonio, TX ─ Texas Lock & Door Closer, Inc.

Our Doors Are Fully Open

Call us to discuss the project or quantity you’re looking to fulfill. Every client is different, and in our 30 years, we’ve learned that we can adjust the services for customers if the operational reasons warrant it. We work with the top manufacturers and brands in the industry and offer you competitive options to solve your door hardware needs.

Door Checks that Operate

Safety and operation of a building depends on the functionality of the doors. For this reason, you need a reliable company with over three decades of experience to provide you the products your project requires. Whether you’re installing new or replacing a damaged door, the door closers and checks that we sell are going to allow the closer to withstand the pushes and openings of doors in a high school hallway, or the large congregation’s sanctuary doors. Call Texas Lock & Door Closers to get the products you need in a timely manner.

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